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Media Briefings for China CDC Weekly, Vol 6, No. 3, 2024

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HIV Infection and Associated Factors Among Out-of-School MSM Aged 16–24 Years — 6 Cities and Tianjin Municipality, China, 2022–2023

A recent survey conducted in seven Chinese cities revealed a concerning HIV prevalence of 4.4% among out-of-school young men who have sex with men (YMSM), a demographic facing significant risks and barriers in accessing HIV-related services. With 1,407 participants, the study identified key factors linked to higher HIV infection odds: history of syphilis, inconsistent condom use, and lack of awareness about post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). These findings underscore the urgent need for tailored interventions and improved access to HIV testing and care for this vulnerable group. The research also highlighted a critical gap in HIV detection, with only 51.6% of those living with HIV previously diagnosed, reflecting a substantial shortfall from the 95-95-95 testing and treatment strategy goals. Additionally, the study reveals the importance of comprehensive HIV knowledge, as participants aware of PEP showed lower HIV infection odds. The study, however, has limitations, including potential selection bias and inability to infer causality due to its cross-sectional design. It emphasizes the necessity of innovative testing strategies and interventions targeting risky behaviors among out-of-school YMSM, underscoring the need for specialized, evidence-based HIV programs to address their unique challenges.

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Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency in Children Aged 6 to 17 Years — Western and Central Rural Areas, China, 2012–2021

This study evaluates the prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and subclinical VAD (SVAD) among school-aged children in rural China from 2012 to 2021, under the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students (NIPRCES). Employing a stratified cluster sampling strategy across various provinces, the research involved annual surveys and blood sample analysis of children aged 6-17. The analysis, using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, adhered to the Chinese standards for VAD and SVAD screening. The study observed a modest improvement in vitamin A status over the decade, with median serum retinol levels rising from 1.07 μmol/L in 2012 to 1.22 μmol/L in 2021. Notably, females consistently showed higher serum retinol levels than males, and an age-associated increase in serum retinol was evident. The prevalence rates of SVAD and VAD fluctuated, with the highest in 2013 and the lowest in 2016. The study highlights that despite improvements, the prevalence of VAD and SVAD remains high, particularly in younger children, males, and those in western regions. It underscores the need for continued efforts in nutritional planning, education, and food fortification to combat VAD in these demographics.

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Food-Borne Poisoning Accident from Amanitin Toxin in Wild Mushrooms — Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China, 2023

This study investigates the influence of air temperature on varicella incidence in Jinan, China, from 2019 to 2021, with a focus on gender and age differences. Utilizing a distributed lag non-linear model, the research analyzed varicella cases reported in the Chinese infectious diseases system, alongside meteorological data. Key findings reveal that lower temperatures significantly impact varicella incidence in males more than females, especially within 1-4 days of exposure. Children are more affected by lower temperatures compared to adults, with effects lasting up to 10 days, while adults experience shorter impacts of around 2 days. The study underscores the importance of considering gender and age when assessing risks and implementing public health measures for temperature-related infectious diseases like varicella. These insights are vital for developing targeted varicella prevention strategies, particularly in regions with varying temperature conditions. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between environmental factors and infectious diseases, highlighting the need for tailored approaches in healthcare and public health planning.

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